Studies of the Wolf Lake Watershed
The following were published by AWLI and are part of AWLI’s library.
' CEPA/Friends of Wolf Lake Project by AWLI, Nov. 22, 1999
' First Annual Report, by AWLI, Nov. 13, 2000
' Second Annual Report, by AWLI, Nov. 12, 2001
' Third Annual Report by AWLI, Nov. 2002
' Threatened and Endangered Species for the Wolf Lake Focus Area, 2004
' 2004 Annual Report by AWLI, 2004
The following studies and reports about the Wolf Lake watershed are a part of AWLI’s library.
' The Plan of Chicago, by Daniel Burnham, et al., 1909
' Diagnoistic-Feasibility Study of Wolf Lake, Cook County, Illinois, and Lake County
Indiana by Illinois State Water Survey, 1996
' Diagnoistic-Feasibility Study of Lake George, Lake County, Indiana by Illinois State
Water Survey, 1996
' Characterization of Fill Deposits in the Calumet Region of Northwestern Indiana
and Northeastern Illinois, by Robert Kay, et al., US Geological Survey and US Environmental
Protection Agency, 1997
' Calumet Ecological Park Feasibility Study, by National Park Service Midwest
Region, August 1998
'Advancing Sustainable Industrial and Ecological Revitalization of the Lake Calumet
and West Pullman Regions, City of Chicago, February 3 & 4, 1999 Workshop Summary
' Restoration of Spawning Habitat for State Endangered Lake Sturgeon in Wolf
Lake, Southern Lake Michigan, Lake County, IN, by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, October 1999
' A Fisheries Survey of Wolf Lake, Lake County, IN 1999, by Tim Cwalinski and Bob
Robertson, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, 2000
' Calumet Research Summit Abstracts, Olive-Harvey College, Chicago, 2000
'Biological Assessment for Feasibility of Wetland Restoration in Wolf Lake,
Hammond Indiana, by Young D. Choi, Purdue University Calumet, December 2001
' Hydrologic Evaluation & Stream Restoration Recommendations for Indian Creek,
by Elon S. Verry, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Grand Rapids, MN, February 2001
' Wolf Lake Vision by Bi-State Gatherings on Wolf Lake and Association for the Wolf
Lake Initiative, 2001
' Survey of Information on the Wolf Lake Watershed, by Matt Jarvis, et. al, Sept. 17,
' Mapping Assets in the Lake Calumet Region, by US Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Interim Report, 2002
' Memorandum: Results from 19 November 2004 Site Visit to George Lake North
Basin by Scott Namestnik, 2004
' 2005 Fish Management Report, by Bob Robertson, Indiana Department of Natural
Resources, 2006
' Calumet Research Summit Abstracts, Purdue Calumet University, 2006
' Anglers’ Appraisals of the Risks of Eating Sport-Caught Fish from Industrial
Areas: Lessons from Chicago’s Calumet Region, Human Ecology Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, by
Lynne Westphal, et al., 2008
' “A Century of Shifting Fish Assemblages in Wolf Lake, Illinois-Indiana,” by Phillip
W. Willink of the Field Museum of Natural History, Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of
Science, 2009
' The Calumet Area: An Inventory of the Region’s Resources, report by Ruth Sparks,
date unknown
The following studies and reports about the Wolf Lake watershed are not part of AWLI’s
' The Calumet Region and Its Early Settlers by Eenigenburg, H.. Arrow Printers,
Chicago, 1935.
' The Calumet Region: Indiana’s Last Frontier by Powell Moore, 1954
' Circulation and Settlement Patterns of the Calumet Region of Northwest Indiana
and Northeast Illinois by A. H. Meyer, 1954
' Birds of the Chicago Region. by Ford, E.F. Special publication number twelve, The
Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago, 1956
' Fish Management Report, by Bob Robertson, Indiana Department of Natural
Resources, 1988
' Calumet College Project Toxicology Review, by Dr. Bertram W. Carnow for the
Robertsdale Foundation, previous owners of George Lake, 1990.
' Environmental Site Assessment of Wolf Lake, by John M. Bell and Richard W.
Johnson, et al., Purdue University Calumet, 1990
' Lake George Fish Health Assessment Hammond, Lake County, Indiana, by U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, July 1995
' Recommendations for Managing Wolf and George Lakes Watershed, by
Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission for IDEM, 1995
' Birds of the Indiana Dunes by Brock, K.J. 1997. Shirley Heinze Environmental Fund
' A Natural History of the Chicago Region Greenberg, J.R. The University of Chicago
Press, Chicago, 2002
' Calumet Beginnings by Kenneth Schoon, 2003
The following were published by AWLI and are part of AWLI’s library.
' CEPA/Friends of Wolf Lake Project by AWLI, Nov. 22, 1999
' First Annual Report, by AWLI, Nov. 13, 2000
' Second Annual Report, by AWLI, Nov. 12, 2001
' Third Annual Report by AWLI, Nov. 2002
' Threatened and Endangered Species for the Wolf Lake Focus Area, 2004
' 2004 Annual Report by AWLI, 2004
The following studies and reports about the Wolf Lake watershed are a part of AWLI’s library.
' The Plan of Chicago, by Daniel Burnham, et al., 1909
' Diagnoistic-Feasibility Study of Wolf Lake, Cook County, Illinois, and Lake County
Indiana by Illinois State Water Survey, 1996
' Diagnoistic-Feasibility Study of Lake George, Lake County, Indiana by Illinois State
Water Survey, 1996
' Characterization of Fill Deposits in the Calumet Region of Northwestern Indiana
and Northeastern Illinois, by Robert Kay, et al., US Geological Survey and US Environmental
Protection Agency, 1997
' Calumet Ecological Park Feasibility Study, by National Park Service Midwest
Region, August 1998
'Advancing Sustainable Industrial and Ecological Revitalization of the Lake Calumet
and West Pullman Regions, City of Chicago, February 3 & 4, 1999 Workshop Summary
' Restoration of Spawning Habitat for State Endangered Lake Sturgeon in Wolf
Lake, Southern Lake Michigan, Lake County, IN, by U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, October 1999
' A Fisheries Survey of Wolf Lake, Lake County, IN 1999, by Tim Cwalinski and Bob
Robertson, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, 2000
' Calumet Research Summit Abstracts, Olive-Harvey College, Chicago, 2000
'Biological Assessment for Feasibility of Wetland Restoration in Wolf Lake,
Hammond Indiana, by Young D. Choi, Purdue University Calumet, December 2001
' Hydrologic Evaluation & Stream Restoration Recommendations for Indian Creek,
by Elon S. Verry, U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Grand Rapids, MN, February 2001
' Wolf Lake Vision by Bi-State Gatherings on Wolf Lake and Association for the Wolf
Lake Initiative, 2001
' Survey of Information on the Wolf Lake Watershed, by Matt Jarvis, et. al, Sept. 17,
' Mapping Assets in the Lake Calumet Region, by US Department of Agriculture,
Forest Service, Interim Report, 2002
' Memorandum: Results from 19 November 2004 Site Visit to George Lake North
Basin by Scott Namestnik, 2004
' 2005 Fish Management Report, by Bob Robertson, Indiana Department of Natural
Resources, 2006
' Calumet Research Summit Abstracts, Purdue Calumet University, 2006
' Anglers’ Appraisals of the Risks of Eating Sport-Caught Fish from Industrial
Areas: Lessons from Chicago’s Calumet Region, Human Ecology Review, Vol. 15, No. 1, by
Lynne Westphal, et al., 2008
' “A Century of Shifting Fish Assemblages in Wolf Lake, Illinois-Indiana,” by Phillip
W. Willink of the Field Museum of Natural History, Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of
Science, 2009
' The Calumet Area: An Inventory of the Region’s Resources, report by Ruth Sparks,
date unknown
The following studies and reports about the Wolf Lake watershed are not part of AWLI’s
' The Calumet Region and Its Early Settlers by Eenigenburg, H.. Arrow Printers,
Chicago, 1935.
' The Calumet Region: Indiana’s Last Frontier by Powell Moore, 1954
' Circulation and Settlement Patterns of the Calumet Region of Northwest Indiana
and Northeast Illinois by A. H. Meyer, 1954
' Birds of the Chicago Region. by Ford, E.F. Special publication number twelve, The
Chicago Academy of Sciences, Chicago, 1956
' Fish Management Report, by Bob Robertson, Indiana Department of Natural
Resources, 1988
' Calumet College Project Toxicology Review, by Dr. Bertram W. Carnow for the
Robertsdale Foundation, previous owners of George Lake, 1990.
' Environmental Site Assessment of Wolf Lake, by John M. Bell and Richard W.
Johnson, et al., Purdue University Calumet, 1990
' Lake George Fish Health Assessment Hammond, Lake County, Indiana, by U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, July 1995
' Recommendations for Managing Wolf and George Lakes Watershed, by
Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission for IDEM, 1995
' Birds of the Indiana Dunes by Brock, K.J. 1997. Shirley Heinze Environmental Fund
' A Natural History of the Chicago Region Greenberg, J.R. The University of Chicago
Press, Chicago, 2002
' Calumet Beginnings by Kenneth Schoon, 2003